A Professional Handyman Service Application - Handy2home

One of the best home service applicationsĀ is Handy2home, which offers services like electrical work, plumbing, painting, cleaning, and AC repair.

5 Days Delivery

We are aware of the need, importance and the emergency of the application for your company. So that, we're providing you with this quick service confirmation.

*Terms & Conditions

One-click signup

This feature allows the user to easily log in to the application. They can easily register for the application by entering their mobile number and the OTP. They can proceed by entering their mobile number and the corresponding password.

Multiple service list

On the customer's home page, multiple services may be visible. The customer can quickly scroll through the list of available services and book the required service.

Pick suitable time

After deciding on the required service, Users can select their own service time and date to perform that particular service as per their convenient.

Cancellation Option

Similar to booking services, cancelling them is as simple as a few taps. Users and service providers can cancel a booking even after it has been accepted.

Google map navigation

The application enables the partner to navigate to Google Maps to locate the customer. A user can enter a destination into the app, which will then plot a route to it. The customer's address will be displayed to the partner in their application, and there will be a location fetching option via Google Maps, then that partner can find the customers' location easily.

Promo code option

Customers can get discounts on their services by using a promo code. To use a promo code for a discount, customer needs to simply select the available code during checkout on the cart page. These promo codes can be allocate from the admin panel to the customers' application.

Multi Job handling

Our application allows a partner to perform more than one services. When a single partner is capable of performing multiple services, customers may order more than one service in a single booking.

Search option

Csutomer can search  for a particular service using this option. Users expect smooth in-app experiences when searching for and learning about products, and they typically make snap judgements about the app's worth based on the quality of one or two sets of search results. A good search engine should help users find what they're looking for quickly and easily. 

Cart Page

Customers can add any number of services to their cart and view all of the details, including the price, on the cart page. Customers can edit and change their services on the cart page as well.

Job History

Users can easily view all job orders and their histories in their my booking page, which includes order details like order id, date, time, payment mode, service name, order status, and so on.

Push notification

Both customers and professionals can receive push notifications about any service status update, such as partner is at point, started the service, on the job, completed services, and so on.

Customer enquiry

Customers may or sometimes have questions about services that are not listed on the home page of the customer application. So that customers can contact the administrator about those services. The customer application has an add query option for that.

Invoice view

As an invoice, the absolute details of the services are displayed. The user can keep an eye on the entire service and its payment details on this booking details page.

Payment methods

To complete a service booking, the user can pay using a variety of payment gateways, direct cash payments, or a wallet option. Razor pay is currently integrated as a payment gateway. If there is a need to change any other payment gateway, we can do so as well.

Wallet option

Customers can pay for completed services using their own wallet. In the event that the service is cancelled, they will have their money returned to their wallet.

Service status update

The customer will be informed of the status of their service at each stage by the partner, while the partner will change their service status.

Call option

Customers may wish to contact the service partners in order to speak with the corresponding partner of their services. Customers and partners can both call one another.

Tax settings

The bill amount will be calculated and displayed to the customer automatically based on the service price. If you want to add the tax details that are available in our application for this bill calculation. This tax setting can be changed in the admin panel and will be automatically calculated in the bill amount.

Manage service request from admin panel

Service orders booked through the customer application can be assigned to partners via the admin panel. So that the specific partner can handle the service request.

Roles and responsibilities can be manage from admin panel

Responsibilty Privilege Module is one of the most key featutes in this app. Admin can create sub admin to track/maintain services module, earnings module etc. It will help to segregate the work to employees/dispatchers/sub admin without full access of super admin panel. whatever we want can restrict and give the access too.

Admin dashboard

The Administrative Dashboard gives administrators direct access to critical Encompass tools for more efficient and convenient application management. The Dashboard functions as an administrative home page, providing access to key application management components. Dashboard will have a statistical information of the application.


In general, a FAQ option is available to provide information on frequently asked questions or concerns for all users. This can be entered from the admin panel, and the category to which user it should be shown can be set, so that these FAQs are reflected in those applications.

Privacy Policies

You can write your own privacy policy outlining what information you collect from users or visitors, why you collect it, and how you intend to use it. This can be changed in the administration panel and will be reflected in the applications.